Confocal laser scanning microscope
Grantee: Thomas Bjarnsholt, University of Copenhagen
Amount: DKK 5,894,893
Grant category: Standalone grants
Year: 2023
Geography: Denmark
The Costerton Biofilm Center (CBC) at Department of Immunology and Microbiology (ISIM), University of Copenhagen, is a world-leading interdisciplinary research center dedicated to exploring chronic infections caused by bacteria, including skin infections. The center runs two infrastructure facilities which are open to external users from basic, clinical, and industrial research.
There is an urgent need in the center’s Biofilm Test Facility to replace an outdated confocal laser scanning microscope which can no longer be serviced. The grant from the LEO Foundation therefore hopes to provide this upgrade, the microscope a critical tool in the CBC’s pioneering work on understanding how the ability of bacteria to form biofilm is key to addressing antimicrobial resistance and developing novel antibacterial treatments.
6th JSID Summer School (Aoba Juku)
Grantee: Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology
Amount: EUR 15,000
Grant category: Education and Awareness Grants
Year: 2023
Geography: Japan
Since 2017, the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (JSID) has held a two-day event named Aoba Juku focused on attracting young medical doctors to science. Aoba is the Japanese word for fresh green leaves, representative of the young attendees who absorb energy and who grow rapidly.
The Summer School aims to train talented and enthusiastic young doctors as dermatological researchers. To further strengthen dermatological research activity in a clinical setting, it is an indispensable event for recruiting talented doctors to the field.
About JSID
The mission of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (JSID) is to advance the position of dermatology in the interdisciplinary world and to enhance the quality of science and research presentations in dermatology for the purposes of maintaining healthy skin and further advancing the treatment of skin diseases.
ISID Young Investigator Collegiality Event
Grantee: International Society for Investigative Dermatology
Amount: USD 40,000
Grant category: Research Networking
Year: 2023
Geography: USA
The Young Investigator Collegiality Event is held in connection with ISID 2023 in Tokyo – and seeks to support the meaningful connections that take place at this meeting. The Young Investigator Collegiality Event is held at a popular Tokyo venue, and aims to facilitate connections amongst individuals of diverse scientific and geographic backgrounds, in an effort to build the skin biology community and foster multidisciplinary collaboration.
About the ISID
‘The ambitious mission of the ISID is to unite all organizations of scientists dedicated to investigative dermatology and cutaneous biology with the purpose of encouraging and facilitating collaboration and to jointly sponsor and support an international, abstract driven, peer reviewed scientific meeting every 5 years.’
Global Psoriasis Atlas Phase III (2023-2026)
Grantee: Professor Chris Griffiths, University of Manchester
Amount: DKK 11,160,157
Grant category: Standalone grants
Year: 2023
Geography: United Kingdom
Psoriasis is a life-long and currently incurable immune-mediated skin disease affecting more than 60 million people worldwide. In addition to its cutaneous, stigmatizing manifestations, the disease is associated with other major medical conditions including depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis and cancer and can be construed as life-ruining. As such it represents a significant public health challenge. Despite remarkable advances in treatment options in some parts of the world, psoriasis continues to affect the quality of life of patients and impact health economics negatively.
GPA Phase III (2023-2026)
The GPA Phase III is focused on continued improvement of the understanding of the epidemiology of psoriasis and its incidence and prevalence at the global level. This third phase aims to build upon the previous achievements of the GPA Phase II. Here ambitions include:
- An extensive update to the GPA’s large international dataset to create and launch edition 3 of the GPA.
- To strengthen collaboration with the dermatology work stream of the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD).
- To conduct new epidemiological studies to enhance the GPA.
- To conduct new studies to improve knowledge about the comorbid disease burden of psoriasis.
With a mission to ‘ensure that people with psoriasis, wherever they live in the world, have access to the best available care’, Professor Griffiths and the University of Manchester initiated the development of a Global Psoriasis Atlas in 2016. The GPA is a long-term iterative project, which was initiated in close collaboration with the WHO and international dermatology and psoriasis organisations.
The LEO Foundation has been main funder of the development of the 1st edition of the GPA through a 3-year grant of DKK 6,370,000 from 2017 – 2020. The GPA project has in its first period (GPA Phase I) focused on research into the global prevalence and incidence of psoriasis – with the 1st edition of the GPA website launched on World Psoriasis Day 29 October 2019.
The LEO Foundation was also the main sponsor of GPA phase II, with a three-year grant of DKK 8,000,000 from 2020-2022. In this phase, the atlas-initiative has had a special focus on increasing its global outreach, including studies of psoriasis in Latin America, Malaysia, and Taiwan as well as on increasing and validating data on the association of psoriasis and cancer. Another important element of Phase II was to design and test a clinical diagnostic tool for health-care professionals globally, taking into account the different expressions of the disease, depending on skin colour.
The LEO Foundation Award 2022 – Region Asia-Pacific
Grantee: Dr. Takashi Sakai, Assistant Professor, Oita University
Amount: USD 100,000
Grant category: LEO Foundation Awards
Year: 2022
Geography: Japan
Dr. Takashi Sakai is Assistant Professor at the Department of Dermatology at Oita University, Japan.
He receives the award in recognition of his visionary scientific approach to understanding the triggers and complications of atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a debilitating skin condition that causes inflammation of the skin and affects nearly 20 percent of all people at some point in their life.
Deciphering the mechanisms of sebaceous gland stem cell renewal and differentiation
Grantee: Catherin Niemann, Principal Investigator, University of Cologne
Amount: DKK 2,594,340
Grant category: Research Grants in open competition
Year: 2022
Geography: Germany
The aim of Catherin Niemann’s project is to understand the biologic events during sebaceous gland differentiation, tissue remodeling, and regeneration.
Sebaceous glands (SGs) are critical for the physiological balance and barrier function of mammalian skin. SG dysfunction is associated with a variety of skin diseases, including acne. Despite recent advances using mutant mouse models with SG defects, the main drivers of normal SG functions remain incompletely understood. Therefore, a better understanding of how SG physiology and sebum production (an oily mixture produced by sebocytes, cells of the sebaceous gland) are regulated, is a clinical necessity.
Using both in vivo and in vitro models, Catherin’s project will focus on the regulation of SG stem cells, which are the primary responders to stimuli at the interface with the tissue environment. In vivo, Catherin and her team will use a combination of genetic mouse models and high throughput technologies to identify key players controlling normal SG activity. In vitro, the team has developed a 3D cell culture model that will be modelled to mimic SG differentiation to uncover and validate the central mechanisms of SG regulation. This SG-organoid model will be especially beneficial to decipher the specific role of extra-cellular matrix components in SG physiology and to examine the interaction with other cell types, including immune cells, for their impact on SG cell differentiation and contribution to SG defects in disease settings.
The long-term goal of the project is to establish a platform for testing new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of SG disorders.
Studies on Immune Effects of CGRP Signalling Through Endothelial Cells
Grantee: Richard Granstein, Professor, Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Amount: DKK 3,041,442
Grant category: Research Grants in open competition
Year: 2022
Geography: USA
This project initiative by Richard Granstein extends research previously funded by the LEO Foundation into the role of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in regulating skin immunity by acting on endothelial cells (ECs – the cell type which lines the interior wall of blood vessels) and aims to elaborate on this regulation by studying the potential involvement of non-skin located ECs.
Recent studies have defined a novel pathway by which CGRP can skew the outcome of an immune response away from one type of T-cell mediated immunity (Th1-type) and toward another type (Th17-type) through actions on ECs. This work was originally done in cell cultures but subsequent studies using mice specifically lacking functional CGRP receptors on ECs found that this pathway indeed operates in vivo. Immunization of these mice led to decreased generation of Th17-type T cells in regional lymph nodes, but increased generation of Th1-type helper T cells. In addition, these mice were found to have severely depressed contact hypersensitivity responses. It is not known if the reduction in contact hypersensitivity responses relates to the observed changes in T helper cell differentiation. These results suggest that it may be possible to therapeutically manipulate diseases involving Th17 mechanisms, such as psoriasis, and, perhaps, other hypersensitivity disorders affecting the skin.
Given these results, it will be important to know more about the physiology of this novel pathway. Preliminary data suggest that ECs not in the skin may be sufficient targets for CGRP to exert the effects seen on T helper cell responses. Richard’s project proposes experiments to 1) test the hypothesis that ECs within regional lymph nodes are sufficient for the T helper cell effect observed in vivo and 2) to further define the mechanisms by which contact hypersensitivity is reduced in mice lacking functional CGRP receptors on ECs. Ultimately, these studies may suggest novel new routes for therapies.
A new target for the treatment of acute and chronic itch
Grantee: Xavier Gasull, Professor, Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica (FCRB)
Amount: DKK 2,677,500
Grant category: Research Grants in open competition
Year: 2022
Geography: Spain
This project led by Xavier Gasull, also Professor at the Neuroscience Institute of the University of Barcelona, seeks to investigate and validate the potential of a newly identified target molecule on sensory nerves of the skin for treatment of chronic itch.
Chronic itch is a very important problem for patients suffering from several dermatologic diseases such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, or dry skin. Constant skin scratching in response to itching may further worsen the skin lesion.
In all these dermatological conditions, pruritic (itching) stimuli activate specific sensory neurons in the skin that send the message to the brain, where the sensation of itch is perceived and trigger the scratching response. The recent description of the specific sensory neuron subpopulations involved in this process has started the elucidation of some of the neural mechanisms involved in itch signalling.
From recent RNA sequencing databases and the functional characterization of itch sensing neurons, Xavier and his team have identified a new pharmacological target that can be used to decrease neuronal activation and relieve itch sensation. They have also identified a candidate drug activating this pharmacological target, which shows positive results decreasing acute and chronic itch not mediated through histamine, for which no effective drugs exist to date.
The focus of this project is to validate this new target in different skin disease models that produce chronic itch. They will use computational methods to design new drugs against this target, synthesize and then test them for therapeutical purposes. The hope is to benefit patients suffering from chronic itch in different skin diseases and, if successful, will add new pharmacological regimes for treating chronic itch.
Regulatory Function of Dermal Adipocytes in Skin and Systemic Energy Homeostasis
Grantee: Nils Færgeman, Professor, University of Southern Denmark
Amount: DKK 2,336,250
Grant category: Research Grants in open competition
Year: 2022
Geography: Denmark
Nils Færgeman’s proposal investigates the role of acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP) in regulating dermal white adipose tissue function in the skin.
Dermal white adipose tissue (dWAT) is a distinct type of fat depot located under the reticular dermis (the deepest layer of the dermis) and comprises a special layer of the skin. Compared to other well-defined fat depots, dWAT shows a very high degree of plasticity, and can rapidly and locally expand and reduce its volume in response to various stimuli.
Via lipolysis (an enzymatic process that releases free fatty acids from triglycerides in fat depots) dermal white adipocytes (fat cells) release fatty acids into the extracellular space, which for example can regulate production of extracellular matrix in dermal fibroblasts and differentiation of keratinocytes.
Recently, Nils and colleagues have demonstrated that acyl-CoA binding protein plays a fundamental role in lipid metabolism in the skin and is indispensable for its barrier function. Given that ACBP is required for differentiation of white adipocytes and given its high expression in the skin, the hypothesis behind this project is that ACBP plays a critical role in dermal adipose tissue by serving as a key regulator and driver of intracellular fatty acid metabolism.
The group will use state-of-the-art lipidomics (global analyses of lipid composition and abundance) and genomics technologies and a series of novel mouse models, to clarify the role of ACBP in dWAT functions in the skin and to define the role of dWAT in systemic energy metabolism.
Treatment of ichthyosis with enzyme replacement therapy
Grantee: Lotte K. Vogel , Associate Professor, University of Copenhagen
Amount: DKK 3,000,900
Grant category: Research Grants in open competition
Year: 2022
Geography: Denmark
This project led by Lotte K. Vogel aims to elucidate the role of the protease matriptase (an enzyme that cleaves proteins) in a variant of Ichthyosis, a common skin disease that causes “fish-scale” like skin with poor treatment options.
The molecular mechanisms behind ichthyosis are not understood, but variations in several genes may cause ichthyosis. Variants of the ST14 gene, which encodes the serine protease matriptase, lead to a type of ichthyosis called Autosomal Recessive Congenital Ichthyosis 11 (ARCI11). The prevalence of ARCI11 is elusive at present.
Lotte and her team’s preliminary data show that ARCI11-related matriptase variants are unable to activate a certain substrate (a protease on its own), suggesting that ARCI11 is caused by a lack of activation of this protease. Results from the group also suggest that inactivation of a certain enzyme cascade leads to Ichthyosis. Surprisingly, for several enzymes in this cascade both the zymogen form and the activated form of the enzyme exhibit proteolytic activity.
In this project, Lotte aims to investigate the importance of matriptase in ARCI11 through a three-pronged approach: (1) by elucidating whether a protease located downstream of matriptase in the same pathway can be activated by an appropriate soluble enzyme which is suitable for topical application to the skin. (2) by elucidating whether ARCI11 is caused by a difference in substrate preferences between the zymogen form and the activated form of these enzymes and (3) by systematically screening for genetic variants of matriptase causing ARCI11 and estimating their frequency in the population. The genetic material to do a more systematic search for ARCI11-causing variants of matriptase and estimate their frequency Is already available.
If successful, Lotte’s project will make a solid and original contribution to the understanding of ichthyosis that may lead to improved treatment options.