Symposium on Epidermal Differentiation Disorders

Grantee: Maastricht University Medical Center+

Amount: DKK 400,000

Grant category: Research Networking

Year: 2024

Geography: Netherlands

The Symposium on Epidermal Differentiation Disorders (EDD) aims to expand the network of experts within EDD by involving and stimulating the future generations of researchers, clinicians, patient organizations, and industry. Organized by leading EDD experts, the event will bring together these stakeholders from diverse backgrounds to brainstorm, promote collaborative research, and design new trials.

EDD are a group of rare hereditary skin conditions characterized by skin thickening, scaling, and redness caused by pathogenic variants in the involved genes. EDD, which include ichthyosis and palmoplantar keratoderma, may affect only skin and related structures (hair, nails) or also other tissues in syndromic subtypes (for example, the brain, heart, hair or eyes). No cure is available, and treatments are limited and not effective enough. Because EDD can severely affect quality of life, the unmet need is high, and an improved understanding of its basis will make it easier to develop treatments that target the causes of disease.

The two-day symposium – currently scheduled for 15-16 September 2025 near Paris, France – will review updates on classification of EDD, clinical and genetic discoveries, novel targeted treatments, patient perspectives, and research. In addition to scientific sessions, the symposium emphasizes collaboration and networking opportunities. Panel discussions and a dedicated session for young researchers will encourage knowledge exchange and exploration of innovative approaches.

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