The LEO Foundation 40th Anniversary Prize

Grantee: Gregor Jemec, Professor of Dermatology and Head of Research at Zealand University Hospital

Amount: DKK 5,000,000

Grant category: Standalone grants

Year: 2024

Geography: Denmark

Gregor Jemec is Professor of Dermatology and Head of Research at Zealand University Hospital.

He receives the LEO Foundation 40th Anniversary Prize for his extraordinary contribution to skin research – especially for his pioneering and persistent work with the chronic skin disease hidradenitis suppurativa (HS).

Gregor Jemec has been researching the skin and its diseases for the past 30 years and is one of Denmark’s most cited skin researchers. He is the author of over 800 publications and one of the world’s leading experts on HS, a skin condition that causes painful boils. Research estimates that one to four percent of the world’s population suffers from HS.

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Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education

Grantee: The University of Copenhagen and the University of Southern Denmark

Amount: DKK 30,000,000

Grant category: Standalone grants

Year: 2024

Geography: Denmark

Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education is funded by the LEO Foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Lundbeck Foundation with a total of DKK 123 million over a six-year period.

The new center merges two fields of study – the pharmaceutical sciences and data science – and will ensure the students’ qualifications in data science by upgrading relevant compulsory bachelor’s and master’s courses. Artificial intelligence, machine learning and the use of big data open a huge area of knowledge, new data sources and methods, which should be integrated in the best possible way in the pharmaceutical sciences education.