Search Results for The Science Olympiads
New children’s books tell the lives and discoveries of great Danish scientists
…which introduces children to a wide range of Danish scientists, innovations and natural science phenomena. As part of the ‘Education and Awareness Grants’ program, the LEO Foundation has supported the…
Researchers Communicate (Forskerne Formidler)
Grantee: Vibeke Hjortlund,
Amount: DKK 2,500,000
Grant category: Education and Awareness Grants
Year: 2024
Geography: Denmark will further develop the existing initiative Forskerne Formidler (Eng. Researchers Communicate), now with an expanded international focus. The overall purpose of Forskerne Formidler is to provide easy access for the public to the science that shapes the world, directly from the scientists themselves. With a continuation of the program and platform it will focus on the development of three different areas: new genres and improvement of quality for existing, courses and training in dissemination for scientists, and international distribution, collaboration and network within academic journalism. is Denmark’s leading popular science media with around 1 million monthly users. The media is an independent source of daily science news, features and other quality content in many different formats.
Forskerne Formidler is supported by the LEO Foundation alongside the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Lundbeck Foundation, and the Augustinus Foundation.
“The international aspect is fundamentally important for a researcher”
…research focus? My group, the Skin Science Lab at Zealand University Hospital in Denmark, is engaged in various research projects, specializing in investigating protein content in skin samples from rare…
…million to spark public and youth interest in science 10 Dec 2024 Read article Japanese skin scientist receives the LEO Foundation Award in Region Asia-Pacific 06 Dec 2024 Read article…
DKK 1 million for education and awareness initiatives in latest round of funding
8 June 2023 A science competition for high school students, science mentoring for young women and YouTube-videos about skin research are among the projects funded in the latest round of…
Promoting diversity and inclusion – case
…representation in our own organization and pledged to promote gender balance in the health science research environment. In the LEO Foundation’s own organization, we strive to build diverse Board, management,…
Young Scientists
Grantee: Mikkel Bohm, Young Scientists (Astra)
Amount: DKK 3,000,000
Grant category: Research Grants in open competition
Year: 2015
Geography: Denmark
The talent competition, Young Scientists, is developing talents in both kids and young people in science.
It is believed that science is a powerful tool to understand and change the world for the better. The competition’s aim is to contribute to society in a meaningful way by inspiring a new generation and giving them engaging experiences with science.
The LEO Foundation has found this work important and supports the competition over three years.
Grants to top skin-scientists in the leading hot spot for biotech
…the understanding and treatment of skin diseases. The area around Boston in Massachusetts is a world-leading hot spot for innovation in life science. It is an ecosystem of world-leading laboratories…
Bloom Festival 2022
Grantee: Svante Lindeburg, Golden Days
Amount: DKK 500,000
Grant category: Education and Awareness Grants
Year: 2021
Geography: Denmark
Bloom is an innovative festival about science and nature, which enlighten us on the universe, the World, and ourselves.
It takes place in the lush Søndermarken in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark, where some of the World’s greatest scientists, poets and philosophers have found inspiration through history.
In recent years, Bloom has extended to become a year-round platform for science communication, which includes, e.g., the digital magazine Bloom Explore with videos, podcasts and essays, Summer Bloom at Geopark Odsherred, Bloom School targeted at 7th – 9th grade students, and a coming book series from Gyldendal.
By uniting the best from the worlds of festivals and science, Bloom aims to take on Life’s greatest questions through debates, talks, laboratories, conversations, and nature walks.
Through the researchers’ eyes (Med forskernes øjne)
Grantee: Karsten Elmose Vad, University of Copenhagen, GLOBE Institute
Amount: DKK 993,090
Grant category: Education and Awareness Grants
Year: 2024
Geography: Denmark
The project Through the researchers’ eyes aims to improve natural science education in the lower secondary school by applying a teaching method known from the arts, Visual Thinking Strategies, which focuses on strengthening students’ skills within observation, description, and discussion – key elements also of the natural science disciplines – to stimulate students’ curiosity and active participation. The project is a collaboration between both education experts and university researchers from Copenhagen University, experts from VTSdanmark and chosen teachers.