Guide to Reporting Requirements and Usage of Data in Researchfish®
All grantees funded by the LEO Foundation are required to provide an annual update on the research activities and results deriving from their LEO Foundation-funded research in Researchfish®. This guide outline what is expected by grantees in relation to such reporting and the potential sanctions upon noncompliance. It also describes what types of data are collected and information on how the LEO Foundation will use the data.
The LEO Foundation uses the data to enhance and strengthen evidence and accountability of its funding. Further, it uses the data to support strategic decision-making and to evaluate progress and impact.
By agreeing to this guide and by submitting data into Researchfish®, you have explicitly consented to your data being processed by the LEO Foundation and stored in the reporting system and the LEO Foundation’s associated internal systems. Moreover, by submitting data, you formally confirm that the currently attributed activities and results represent a full and up-to-date record for the grant.
You are required to submit data
All LEO Foundation grantees are required to have an account in Researchfish® and to use it to provide these updates annually during the grant periods and usually for 3–5 years after their project has ended.
The LEO Foundation may require an update to a grant outside the annual submission period to consolidate specific evaluations. The LEO Foundation will notify researchers of these requirements.
The LEO Foundation is aware that the recipients of relatively recent LEO Foundation grants may not have any activity or results to report in the first annual submission.
What data are collected?
The LEO Foundation uses Researchfish® to collect data on activities and results. This includes both quantitative and qualitative information such as publications, collaborations, influence on policy, databases and models.
Reporting in Researchfish® is done by completing a question set (See the “LEO Foundation Guide to Researchfish®”). In addition, guidance on completing the questions is available throughout the system.
IMPORTANT: You are advised to ensure that you do not disclose data that is commercially sensitive or personal or that might be considered confidential or defamatory.
What do we do with the data?
Information provided to the LEO Foundation may be used:
- to strengthen accountability for research funding decisions
- to provide arguments for funding of research
- to inform strategic decision-making
- to inform the public on research results and other outcomes
- to evaluate progress and effects
- to improve the understanding and interest in research
To support these aims, the information you provide may be used, in whole or in part, to support analyses and evaluation, case studies, data sets and publications. Please be aware that the activities and results, including the text you submit to the Foundation via Researchfish®, may be quoted, in full or in part.
The Foundation analyses the submitted activities and results for its annual report as well as for other external and internal LEO Foundation reports.
Data concerning your grant or grants collected through the LEO Foundation’s reporting system may also be returned to the research organizations holding LEO Foundation-funded grants to which you have allocated these activities and results. Contact your local administrator for guidance on how your organization will use this information.
Data might be handed over to third parties either for processing of data on behalf of the LEO Foundation or to researchers for research purpose. Personal data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Danish Act on Data Protection and Personal Data.
In addition, some of the information you provide is published on the LEO Foundation’s website to ensure that the outcomes of LEO Foundation-funded research are accessible to the research community, companies, policy-makers and the public.
The LEO Foundation’s website provides data on LEO Foundation-funded grants, including:
- the name(s) of the Grantee(s) and research organizations
- the project title
- the amount granted (in DKK)
- the output and outcomes of LEO Foundation grants
The website is publicly available.
It is vital that researchers return information to us on the activities and results from their LEO Foundationfunded projects so that the Foundation can understand the impact of the research in the longer term, demonstrating the contribution to society and the economy. In turn, this will facilitate strategic decisionmaking and future investment. Systematically collected data on research activities and results provide a strong evidence base to support the continued funding of research.
By submitting data to the LEO Foundation, you consent to this use.
Personal data
The Researchfish® reporting system holds information about grants that is extracted from the
Foundation’s research management systems. This includes a limited selection of personal data: name, email and the name of the research organization holding the grant (which may be your employer). This information is managed in accordance with the General Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the principles of the Danish Act on Data Protection and used with the data on research activities and results you enter into the reporting system:
- to operate the reporting system, including notifying you of changes to the system, system downtime
and deadlines for submitting information on activities and results - to report to employers and research organizations on progress in gathering data on activities and results
- to manage the LEO Foundation’s policy on compliance and sanctions.
Researchfish® enables you to update your e-mail contact details only for the purposes of interacting with the reporting system. You can request changes in any other details displayed in the system by contacting the LEO Foundation. If you want to change the e-mail address the LEO Foundation currently uses to contact you, you must update your details by contacting the LEO Foundation at
Data about research activities and results you enter into “My Portfolio” in Researchfish® is accessible only to you and anyone you identify through the delegate or team member function. The LEO Foundation can only access these data when you (or your delegate or team member) have allocated the activities and results to a grant or grants for which you are responsible for reporting, and the data are only made available to research organizations when you have formally submitted them.
Researchfish® provides guidance on completing the questions throughout the reporting system. Since the data you submit to the LEO Foundation via Researchfish® may be published, you should avoid specifically identifying individuals involved in the work unless this information is already in the public domain (such as the names of co-authors listed on publications) or if you have specific consent from the researchers to send their positions, names and e-mail addresses to the LEO Foundation. The positions, names and e-mail addresses of team members will not be published. You are also advised to ensure that you do not disclose data that are commercially sensitive, that might be considered confidential in some other way or is defamatory. The LEO Foundation will not be held responsible for any such disclosure or the effects of this.
All grantees for which reporting is mandatory will be notified in advance of any upcoming deadline and again one week prior to that deadline. If the annual update is not submitted in time, the LEO Foundation may apply the following sanctions:
- The researcher may be unable to apply (either as a principal investigator or as a co-investigator) for further grants from the Foundation.
- If the grant is still active further payments for the grant may be withheld.